Sunday, 14 June 2015

'The doubting disease'

Learning more about OCD and increasing my awareness of it has helped me to recognise it, treat it (ongoing) and to some extent, control it. I have also felt less alone, reading about symptoms and stories that other OCD sufferers share. So I felt it would be helpful to others if I shared a bit more about OCD, or my form of OCD.

What is OCD?

"OCD is a clinically recognised disorder which affects around 1-2% of the population. It is debilitating and paralysing. People with OCD experience intensely negative, repetitive and intrusive thoughts, combined with a chronic feeling of doubt or danger (obsessions). In order to quell the thought or quieten the anxiety, they will often repeat an action, again and again (compulsions)." (OCD Action)

There are four main types of OCD: Checking, Contamination/Mental Contamination, Hoarding and Ruminations/Intrusive Thoughts (OCD UK: Types of OCD). There are sub-types within these, some types outside these and also some types that are a mixture of them. However, learning which of the main types you have can help with assessment and treatment. My version is a combination of the doubt/checking and contamination types. Another OCD sufferer may not have any of the symptoms I have. There is a helpful TED video on what OCD is (and isn't) which I have put in the links below.

My OCD checking has ranged from: windows, doors, locks and plugs... to my own written words or shopping receipts. My OCD contamination fears have led to me: avoiding door handles, excessively handwashing, washing kitchenware or rejecting food or drink if I fear it has been 'contaminated' with germs in any way.

'The doubting disease'

"Doubt is another characteristic of the OCD sufferer – the French once called OCD ‘la folie de doute’ which translates to ‘the doubting disease’." (OCD UK)

This phrase resonated with me as it described exactly what I felt I had. What my 'invisible illness' was/is. Examples of my OCD doubt, which leads to Anxiety or checking, include: 'Did I lock the door properly?'/'Did that piece of rubbish actually go in the bin?'. Basically my brain questions or looks for reassurance: 'How can I be sure I did/didn't do that?' (which is exhausting).

No definite cause has yet been found for OCD. Brain imaging and brain research has found that there are differences in some brains of OCD sufferers, including an imbalance of serotonin. But it is not known whether this is a cause or effect of OCD. Genetics and life events may also be a factor.

There are different levels of severity for OCD. Some milder forms can be treated with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) including Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). More severe forms are treated with both this therapy and medication called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (more info on NHS choices). Personally I have found both these treatments effective in treating my type/level of OCD.

The NHS Choices website and OCD charity websites (all below) have helpful further information.

Further Resources

Debunking the myths of OCD TED video


OCD Action