Tuesday 15 April 2014

Face of BWC Day!

Photoshoot and award day with Beauty Without Cruelty

Sunday was the day the 'Face of BWC' winners from around the UK got presented with their awards and certificates and had their photoshoots for the vegan make-up brand. I was so happy to be chosen as a winner because I have been a vegan for seven years and I love make-up/photography/artistic imagery as part of being a performer. You can find out more about Beauty Without Cruelty natural cosmetics here: BWC

I met the lovely Emma who is The Vegan Make-Up Artist and she did beautiful work with the BWC colour range.

I was presented with my exclusive 'Beauty Without Cruelty' winner's sash (properly exciting), a certificate and really beautiful award by the chairman of the company.

I had a professional individual photoshoot alongside some group and presentation shots.

The organizers and models were lovely and cared very much about vegan living or being vegan in the media.

The official shots for the website/promotion will be revealed soon. In the meantime I have this great experience, lots of new vegan make-up and this treasured award. It is of two swans making a heart, the official logo of 'Beauty Without Cruelty', sculpted in glass. I think it is so beautiful.

This is the description of the swan logo from the BWC mission statement:

"Known for their grace and beauty the swan is symbolic of our mission to deliver beauty by the intertwining of natural elements in our product offering."

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