Monday 5 October 2015

OCD Awareness week 11-17th October 2015

Since suffering with, and recovering from, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, raising awareness of what OCD actually is means a lot to me.

'OCD' is often misunderstood, misused and misquoted. It is often used as an adjective to describe cleanliness or organised quirks. In actually it is an Anxiety Disorder, a noun, and a serious mental health condition.

Here are some links describing what OCD is and is not:

That's OCD - by OCD UK

My own article/experience of OCD- 'The Doubting Disease'

17 Things people don't understand about OCD by

OCD Action - Know more about OCD

MIND - What is OCD?

NHS Choices - OCD

And for those who do suffer with OCD, I encourage you to seek help because specialised treatment is available and helped me so much.

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