Friday 28 February 2014

Smoothie section

I love the idea of smoothies, a quick and yummy way to get many vitamins and minerals in your system whilst hydrating, easy-to-make and easy to digest. I used to make a lot of fruit smoothies until I realised the high sugar content and nutritional unbalance of even the most natural fruit smoothies. (They are still good as an occasional refreshing treat and whole fruit versions retain more of their nutritional value than those with juices.)

Mixed berries and banana
However, welcome the rise of the 'superfood' smoothie, mixes of vegetables, protein, good fats AND fruit. There is so much inspiration around too- just have a look at instagram – hashtag smoothie! My favourites are The Blonde Vegan and Deliciously Ella. I'm still starting out with these variations but here are some I've made so far:

Chocolate protein and flaxseed

Kale and blueberry

These are great post-gym, for lunch, or are popular for and make a good breakfast. The 'smoothie bowl' is a fairly recent and lovely thing too with different toppings. Smoothies also help me digest and feel better when I'm bloated. 

Handy vegan smoothie ingredients to have:
  • Nut milk (I prefer almond milk but other nut, rice and coconut can work)
  • Bananas (smoothie staple in my opinion!)
  • Frozen or fresh berries (blueberries are my fave but all good)
  • Spinach/Kale/Apples/Celery for 'green' smoothies
  • Nut butter (only 'clean' versions)
  • Protein powder (vegan varieties)
  • Water or ice.
 But these are just a few!



Wednesday 26 February 2014

'So what do you eat?'

 ... is another question I get a lot. I thought I'd let these visual examples do the talking :)
Houmous and quinoa salad out and about
Homemade vegan and sugar-free cupcake with roasted coconut

My fave salad at home, falafels and olives

Tuesday 25 February 2014

'But how do you get your protein?'

Every vegan hates the question "But HOW do you get your protein????" Because protein is somehow only associated with meat... when it's actually everywhere! Meat eaters can get enough protein without even touching meat. (So please don't ask...)

Just some vegan sources of protein include:
* soya milk, nut butter, nuts, tofu,
* lentils, beans, green veg, quinoa.
(Quinoa is amazing and gets its own pic.)

But, looking into nutrition more, I didn't realize quite how much I needed a day, every day, or that eating it throughout the day is better too.

Protein isn't stored, so it can only be used if it's there by eating it that day. What's more, protein should actually make up 1/3 of your daily calories. As I work out and use my muscles lots, less than this daily won't be the optimum to help my muscles repair themselves (protein is made up of amino acids which repair cells, build and maintain muscles). Fitness-wise I'm on a bit of a muscle-mission anyway (to build, not to bulk) so protein focus here we come...

Monday 24 February 2014

Vegan Nutrition Mission

I watched an interview with the beautiful Miranda Kerr a while ago and when she was asked how she diets to keep the amazeballs body she has, she said she prefers to focus on what she is eating:
"I make a conscious effort to fill my body with nutrients through the food I eat" (Kerr in 'Harper's Bazaar'). Which I thought was a refreshing approach (she actually trained in nutrition) and it clearly works for her! p.s Yes I know she seriously works out too...

Recently Cameron Diaz released a book on health, fitness and beauty called 'The Body Book' which 'explains why instead of fearing hunger, women should embrace their body's instinct for fuel and satisfy it with whole, nutrient-dense foods.' Again, I liked this approach and Cameron also is clearly doing something right! p.s Yes I know she seriously works out too...

I bought the book --> and it's a down-to-earth, informative read for the basics of nutrition, the body, health, fitness training and good habits. Much that we should know about our food and digestion, but just aren't taught.

Thinking about these approaches and reading about it has inspired me to be more knowledgeable about nutrition, not because a vegan diet is lacking in any way, but to prove that there's an abundance of natural nutritious and yummy things that can fuel you and nourish you without animals, dairy, chemicals and sugar. And an extra bonus, to know that I can get even more from my diet/lifestyle, that will only help to keep me slim. What's not to love? p.s Yes I know I work out too...

“I live by the philosophy that beauty starts from within and I make a conscious effort to fill my body with nutrients through the food I eat.
“I live by the philosophy that beauty starts from within and I make a conscious effort to fill my body with nutrients through the food I eat.
“I live by the philosophy that beauty starts from within and I make a conscious effort to fill my body with nutrients through the food I eat.


Hi new readers :) 

I've been a vegan for 7 years and I've gym'd, swim'd and Yoga'd that whole time too. But I'm still learning about nutrition, still learning about fitness and I'd like to share what I learn and love about a plant-based diet and being connected to your body through exercise.

I always get asked what exercise I do or what I eat. People get mad when I refuse their cake.

But vegan glittery cupcakes exist. And recently, vegan, gluten-free and sugar-free glittery cupcakes.

And that's my kinda thing...