Sunday 16 March 2014

Yoga for stretching

Yoga has many benefits. One of them is a thorough stretch for your whole body. Concentrated stretches/positions help both to wake up your body or relax it, keep your body supple, and help you to feel really connected to your body. Gradually your body will become stronger and more flexible too.

There are many sequences, twists, inversions and complex moves in yoga. But anyone can do the basic yoga stretches. Here are a few examples:

Child's pose (gentle good back stretch)

Cat-Cow pose (opens the whole spine and good for reversing strain from crunches)

Downward facing dog (energizing and calves are thoroughly stretched!)

Triangle pose
Your body usually tells you which muscles are feeling tight at a particular time/ or day. I encourage you to get to start getting to know your own body through simple yoga stretching!

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