Monday 1 September 2014

Filling the 'Bounty' void in my life....

Making 'Raw vegan Bountys'

I LOVED Bounty bars before I became a vegan. So easy, vegan, healthy versions? YES PLEASE. I came across these on Instagram and the recipe/method is on:

For mine I used:

1 cup desiccated coconut
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 tbsp maple syrup

 Which you blend using a food processor, coconut first.


3 tbsp coconut oil
2 1/2 tbsps cacao powder
1 tbsp maple syrup

 Which you mix while briefly freezing the coconut mixture.

I was munching on them straight away but I think they actually taste the best after 30mins/an hour in the fridge when the chocolate coating is firm and crackable :D. (I also recommend not eating four in one go...)

They tasted like, well Bountys :) seriously delicious, much healthier and without any animal products.Win.

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